Economy after Corona

Economy Crisis

by Rashida khan,

                   Today we are facing a very huge and dangerous situation as well from this corona and this crisis is not on it's last phase it's just starting for those whose earning are per day or weekly and they don't have any saving for their tomorrow and that kind of some people committing suicide after facing the problem of hunger. Because the problem of hunger is much dangerous then any diseases in today's time.

But God bless to all that angels who provide and donate foods and finance for the needy and helping each other by providing all needy and emergency kind of products and services.

I love too much, to the decisions that was taken on certain certain time by our P.M Modi Ji and by all the politicians during this pandemic. 

We are in a very big crisis of the economy which actually represent the actual growth rate and per person's income and their expenses.

Gross Domestic Products(G.D.P):

After the monetization impact upon our growth rate suddenly this come as a very road breaker, Corona. And we were on 7.2% of growth rate if we look upon few months back before this corona and after this we are here on 3.2% of growth rate of GDP and still is stable on the same figure because all companies and factories are totally closed and if some are open then are working with the 35% of worker from their 100% of worker and the working time is also decreased.

company is only producing and manufacturing only limited products and services because of the lack of labors and material at this pandemic. Government is already trying to find out some new ways to increase our country's economy by any policy or strategy. 

The rise of pharmaceuticals companies:

The rise of pharmaceutical's companies is only on it's high position after this lock-down instead of everything. Because the demand of medicines and PPE (personal protective equipment) kit and sanitizers is increased too much and the stores and god own is empty after a huge demand of such products.
Astrazeneca's share price for example is on it's peak after this lock-down. The growth rate of share is around 10% increased in this corona situation.

Market's situation:

After this pandemic all area was lock-down because we haven't the cure or any blockage of this diseases at this time and if we hadn't follow such guideline then the patient is more then they are, right now. 
But the impact of such lock-down is come upon market directly and everyone's life also affected. Showrooms, Shops, Company's outlets, Roadside stalls, etc was closed because of such pandemic. Market is the only place to sell and purchase or exchange of goods and services. But after facing such issue we have to face this kind of financial crisis. And after that here we are at 3.2% of GDP.

Fall down in Indian currency:

After the corona enter in each person's life, it's also put impact not only impact a very huge impact in investment field and after then we are facing a lots of problems related investment and the investment rate come peak to a lower level at this time instead of pharma companies every single company facing issues related to fund because there is no demand for goods and services due to lock-down is going on in every single corner of India.

Companies shut during corona:

Warren buffet's research upon all the market after this corona to find out the impact of corona to find which sector is more affected by this diseases and which is less then expected and we find after then a huge growth come in the sector of pharma but they all also spent millions in the new projects as well to research the cure of corona-virus. Manufacturing sector is temporarily shut after the impact of corona and Whirpool, TVS electronics, Shricon industries, Bhagiradha chemicals, Bharat forge, TATA chemicals, The supreme industries, and  Escorts etc.Shut their work temporarily in each and every sectors.
ATLAS  was one the best manufacturing company of bicycles in U.P and it was shut in the month of may permanently and all the worker of this company are unemployed after this activity. People's life is actually going harder and harder day by day after this corona impact come upon their life and facing lots of big big issues.

Unemployment rate:

The unemployment rate is already is on it's peak specially here in India. Peoples or population who has degree and knowledge are on road more then in offices or in corporate world at this time in India.

But when the corona virus enter in each phase and corner of world then the hit of this corona comes upon each and every sectors from study to health insurance and production sectors as well.
As we know that the un-employment rate was around 7.76% and after the corona hit then the employment rate come 23.5%. So you all think once that where we are at this time after hit by corona.
And we are talking about only here in India but if you take a look of over all world then you'll go to realize what kind of as big situation we are facing 

U.S- 30 million .
Japan- 1.8 million.
India- Railway the main oxygen provider is shut due to corona.
U.K Around 02 million.
France- 10 million.
Germany- 10 million.
Italy- 2.8 million.

Now, we are aware of a bit about the unemployment rate of all the G7. This data available and published by all the countries in worldwirde after facing situation from corona virus.


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